Category: Blog
Rockwash reach agreement to establish national cuttings digitalisation database in Angola
Rockwash Geodata and joint-venture partner Striped-Horse Atlântico are pleased to announce an agreement with the ANPG of Angola to establish a world class geological laboratory in Luanda
Rockwash initiate major UK cuttings project to investigate CO2 storage potential
Rockwash Geodata is pleased to announce a major new project being undertaken at the UK National Geological Repository digitalising all available cuttings samples from 120 wells across the Southern North Sea.
Rockwash announce strategic collaboration with Earth Science Analytics
Rockwash Geodata has announced a collaboration agreement with analytics and machine learning company Earth Science Analytics.
500,000th cuttings sample processed for NOROG Released Wells Initiative
After being awarded the contract to deliver the NOROG Released Wells Initiative in 2019, Rockwash Geodata and project partner Stratum Reservoir have now hit a major project milestone: the processing of the 500,000th cuttings sample.